clean room products

Technical Sales to Tech Companies

We bring a professional sales team and and your products into the manufacturers, labs and research centers that need your specialized products.

Focused Sales Growth

We set goals and identify target accounts. In the process, we use feedback on products to help you refine and further build sales.

tradeshow process control products

Trade Show Support and FOLLOW-UP

We represent YOU at industry shows. We know your products. After the show, we FOLLOW-UP with personal phone calls. Our persistence pays with increased sales.

Why You Should Choose
Process Control Products

With Process Control Products’ 35+ years of experience selling technical products to electronics manufacturers, labs, research centers and other technology companies, you are on solid ground for improving sales.

We have contacts in more than 500 technology companies who need your tech solutions. Whether they are replacing Charge Plate Monitors or static control mats, your customers and prospects need to know that you have what they need. We get you into those companies.

Have you wondered why you can’t get more than a couple of your products into your customers’ shops? We will get their feedback and work to get through the road blocks to penetrate deeper.

We work across industries with many companies

With more than 35 years of technical sales to technology, chemical, biotech and pharma companies, Process Control Products knows process control and the products that keep companies running.

We know your customers and what they need.

We gather feedback so you can better penetrate markets and customers by addressing their particular needs.

Next Steps…

Talk to Tom Hoarty about your technical sales needs. He will get your products before your customers and prospects.